Friday, December 30, 2011

I.7,8 - Heaven and Earth

7. HEAVEN signifies night and day, cold and heat, times and seasons.

On Summoner's Rift this means awareness of buff timers, respawn times, death timers, and summoner cooldowns. Organized pro teams arrive a few seconds before the dragon respawns. They don't respond to the dragon symbol on the minimap, they prepare for it in advance. The jungler or support should type the respawn time in teamchat. Prepare for an upcoming dragon by pushing your lane, clearing enemy wards, ganking bottom or mid, and backing early enough to get back before it spawns.

When did your lane opponent last use his ultimate? Is his flash up? How long is the cooldown on your opponent's big spike damage. If morgana's snare is on cooldown can you get the jump on her before it's back? When is the jungler due for a gank? When will your opponents ward expire at bot? When will yours?

8. EARTH comprises distances, great and small; danger and security; open ground and narrow passes; the chances of life and death.

I've seen Xpecial, support for SoloMid skip buying a blasting wand to keep a slot open for wards. Map control represents the foundation of a winning team. Clairvoyance is required for the support (CV isn't as essential in solo queue since the cooldown got nerfed, but in competitive play it's still carried by almost every top team.)
  • Pink wards are excellent.
    • You collect 25 gold for killing an enemy ward, offsetting your cost
    • Some portion of your opponents 75 gold is wasted because his ward is killed before it expired.
    • The advantage of having your own ward up and destroying your opponents is considerable.
  • Oracles are worthwhile when you are experienced enough to stay alive.
    • You recover the cost by killing enemy wards
    • Losing 400 gold when you die is like giving up another first blood (your team is now behind by 400 gold).
    • Using cv to ensure you can safely check an area for wards is a good idea.
    • Waiting 30 seconds for mias to return to lane before checking a dangerous spot for wards is a good idea.
    • Sitting idly in the woods while waiting for a safe chance to ward sweep is great as long as your lane can handle itself while you are gone.
    • The solo experience your carry receives is also excellent.
    • If your ad carry cannot farm well while you are gone, place your wards and get back to the lane.
A team is dominated when it has no wards. It is fearful, forced to turtle, and cannot move decisively.
A team is dominating when wards cover the enemy jungle and map objectives. The enemies outer towers are down and they are turtling in their base. A dominating team manages buff timers and controls the pace of the game by maintaining pressure and not letting up. Games are won with map control; map control is established through wards, cv, taking down towers, and communication.


  1. "You collect 25 gold for killing an enemy ward, offsetting your cost" - WHAT?!

    1. Totally, a big part of making the oracles worth it is how many wards you can kill.
