I decided that in addition to my Art of LoL posts, I'm adding a series on analyzing the meta on pro matches. Most of my knowledge has been acquired by studying the pros and because I've read several forum requests for this topic I decided to go for it.
The challenge in meta analysis is composition versus execution. I have won a scrubby ranked 5s match with five ranged ad champs (ez jungle, kog mid, trist + vayne bot, cait top). The fact that we won speaks to the fact that my team was far more experienced than the other team, not that this comp is viable. Many pro games will snowball when the team with the early lead presses their advantage and doesn't make big mistakes. For this reason you can't determine what comps are viable based purely on which team wins.
The format look at a team based on picks, bans, and team characteristic, then touch on the in game performance, including item builds. For the sake of being concise I won't provide a play by play, just a few game changing highlights that effect the outcome.
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